六月 05, 2019

An AI Based Choreography Project

Recently I participated in an experimental choreography p...

三月 20, 2019

ComputeShader in Processing

Processing is usually a target for blame with its poor performance due to the...

十二月 10, 2018

Phoenix Nebula

I love the beauty of fractal and I always admire the exquisite logic of mathe...

十一月 11, 2018

HENU Panorama

This is one of my personal projects since 2015.In my sophomore year, I cra...

九月 15, 2018


This is an interactive program created using JOGL and KinectV2;Players can wa...

九月 02, 2018


Pocket CHIP,一款小巧的口袋小电脑,它的玩法非常丰富,从Pico8游戏到8bit音乐合成,从物联网设备到黑客利器。 为了让更多的小伙伴感受到Po...

七月 01, 2018

P5 Render Modes

Render Modes in Processing N/A JAVA2D(same as N/A) P2D P3D OPENGL(same as P3D...

五月 28, 2018

RELIFE - An Interactive Montage

RELIFE - 1 / 40320 Editing is a magical thing.Simply by changing the order of...

一月 12, 2018

Wigwam Beijing - Interactive Project

I created this interactive projection with Processing, Kinect, and PixelFlow ...